After a hiatus lasting a few weeks due to financial constraints, I can now happily return with my thoughts on last week's comics.
Uncanny Avengers #14

My only hope is that the events are not instantly reversed
in future issues, which would result in severe geek rage.
Rating: 5/5
Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S #2
Whereas Avengers / New Avengers were important reads as part
of Infinity, the same cannot be said for the Forever Evil tie-ins. Even if they
are crucial, plot-wise, I found this title to be sorely lacking in quality and
will likely just concentrate on the main title.
The first issue was pretty good and I enjoyed the backstory
segments on Steve Trevor. Whilst elements of that are continued, this was just
a mess with too many villains featured and what seems like inconsistent art
Even though its relevancy to the title has yet to be
explained, the section with Killer Frost was certainly the highlight. Exposing
subtle elements of a villain’s humanity only serves to help their character.
Rating: 2/5
Bedlam is a great example of a comic I was ready to drop but
is now one of my top titles. After a decent first arc, the second, following a
yet-to-be-revealed master brainwasher, has improved on literally everything. I
do hope the people who were quick to write of Fillmore as a Joker-clone have given
the comic a closer look as it certainly deserves one.
Fillmore’s inability to see the villain’s face in #10 is
right up there for originality.
Rating: 4/5
Revival #1
I’ve had a nagging feeling that Revival was beginning to get
a bit stale however #15 has thankfully assured me there is plenty left in the
tank. Instead of moving on with the mythology, the title takes a back-step as
Dana begins to investigate further into her sister’s death. I’m glad this is
being covered as it is a crucial element to the comic, not least considering
Em’s behaviour since reviving.
The ending does suggest a potential town uprising after
farmers have their livestock removed. I hope this steers clear of similar
events in Under the Dome as the two do, unfortunately, have quite a bit in
Rating: 3/5Walking Dead #17
I have read the bulk of my Walking Dead collection in trades
so it’s hard to review single issues. #117 continues the ‘All Out War’
storyline and there is a slight lull after last issue. Rick’s group seem to
have a bit too much confidence about them, clearly indicating something dark is
coming their way before things conclude.
The stand-out, once more, is Negan. If there was an award
for the villain with the strangest set of principles, he would win it by a mile.
A thoroughly disturbed individual with a love for bad language and beating
people to death, he seemingly draws the line when it comes to rape, and kills
one of his followers when attempting to attack Holly.
Rating: 3/5
Letter 44 #2
After the promise of #1, this issue did not disappoint
despite it serving mainly to dump out more exposition. This is the comic that
Saucer Country should have been and I hope it goes on a long run to tell the
full intended story.It’s not perfect; the pregnant lady in space seems, for now anyway, unnecessary and weird.
Rating: 3/5
Infinity #6
For me, Infinity just felt like a jigsaw that came together
far too easily. People criticised Battle of the Atom for not doing anything to
change the status quo. After reading Infinity #6, I would have the same
argument here. One of the faults of it being a true ‘event’ was that it
involved too many characters so, when wrapping things up, it all seemed a bit
rushed for some of those individuals.
The main outcome of the series seems to be the forthcoming
Inhuman title, due for release next year. Other than that, it seems things will
just go back to normal for everyone else.
Rating: 2/5
New Avengers continues, in my opinion to be the better title
when compared to Avengers. Whilst Avengers seems more interested in expanding
its roster, this title is more fixed on the central plot.
Rating: 3/5
I think it’s testament to how good this comic is when, despite
the main character not being featured, and the plot involving the theft of a
flower, it still turns out to be one of the better comics this week.
Whereas so many comics aim for the spectacular, Hawkeye
keeps it nice and simple, staying fixed in its own little world, and yet still
manages to be fresh, original, and funny.
Rating: 3/5
After Battle of the Atom, it’ll be interesting to see where
the title goes. From this, it does seem there will be a slight separation from
the rest of the X-universe.
Rating: 2/5